Friday, July 31, 2009

Cowboy Complex

Tough Guy

I am Broken Nose
My shirt says, “Feels Good Alone”
So please don’t bug me

I grew up this way
Without people around me
I healed up this way

I find it peaceful
To be alone with myself
Please understand me

I don’t hate people
I’m just happy by myself
I am Broken Nose

I could knock you out
Then I would be by myself
But I don’t want to

Your nose is not broke
You are happy with people
So I envy you

I like to watch you
When you’re having a good time
To study your ways

Maybe I could learn
How to enjoy a party
If I had a coach

You go and play now

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

More About Women


My true love searches
I’ll look for her at Art Fair
I dream about her

I do that a lot
I have this recurring dream
It changes each time

It starts with a gift
She gives me her husband’s pants
But the pants don’t fit

They are much too big
No way can I wear those pants
They still have a tag

I read the label
“If you wear these, I love thee”
But they’re much too big

So I give them back
And then things get really weird
She returns the pants

To where she bought them
She gets all her money back
Now she seems happy

She’s smiling at me
And, of course, now she’s single
That means everything

Monday, July 13, 2009

All About Women


My True Love searches
Even now she looks for me
In art museums

And Yoga classes
Places along the river
That’s where she’ll find me

One day she’ll find me
It will look like I found her
We’ll see each other

Something will happen
I envision it right now
I dwell upon it

I wake up to it
I walk in dreams of that day
She needs to hurry

I want to be found
To be seen for the first time
To be discovered

And still she searches
She seems to know where I go
She works hard at it

She wants me to grow
She wants me to be happy
She wants to feed me

I'm sure she loves me
She doesn't speak her mind though
She just gives me hints

Now I'm in the dark
Sleeping out in the forest
She comes in my dreams

She finds me sleeping
She plants a kiss on my cheek
Leaves a smiley face.